Cade Tompkins Projects
Allison Bianco: Forget About It

Allison Bianco: Forget About It
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Allison Bianco is a printmaker who uses a combination of intaglio and screen print to depict landscapes diminished by massive oceans and infinite skies. Within the shifting coastal scenes, Bianco delves into nostalgia, humor, and the inconsistency of memory. To create her imagery, Bianco employs one of two methods. In the first, she starts with historic pictures of coastal communities and couples them with anachronistic objects and abstracted shapes. In the second, she uses present-day images where the unexpected objects come from specific personal references and impose themselves in the composition like fragments of memory.
- Cade Tompkins
Image: Allison Bianco, Gaspee Down the Line

Most recently, Bianco has extended this interest in technical experimentation by working with new processes and in an expanded scale. Pouring on Jamestown features the Rhode Island landscape from a distance, defined by its historic architecture. Remnants of a time past, the buildings are dwarfed by the churning blue sea that fills most of the print and becomes threatening in its scale. Its size required the use of an unusually large sheet of roofing copper and a monumental, ten-foot press owned by AS220 Community Printshop in Providence, Rhode Island....Bianco’s innovative exploration in these recent works suggests her poignant view of printmaking as an analogue for personal experience, embracing chance and unpredictability to translate the contrasting warmth and frustration of nostalgia.
-Britany Salsbury, Associate Curator of Prints and Drawings, The Cleveland Museum of Art

At AS220 Community Printshop, photo: Jacques Bidon

Installation View at Cade Tompkins Projects, photo: Erik Gould

Allison Bianco and Lois Harada printing at AS220, photo: Cade Tompkins
Allison Bianco
Allison Bianco received her MFA in Printmaking (2010) from the University of Hawai'i at Manoa, Honolulu, HI and her BA in Studio Art (2001) from Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, MA. Bianco has recently been awarded a public art commission for New York City public school 671K in Brooklyn for a new, permanent site-specific artwork. The commission is through the New York City School Construction Authority, Public Art for Public Schools program in collaboration with the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, Percent for Art program for the collection of the New York City Department of Education. Her work is in the collections of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA; Philadelphia Museum of Art, PA; The New York Public Library, NY; RISD Museum, RI; Yale University Art Gallery, CT; and the Hawai'i State Foundation on Culture and the Arts, HI; among others.
Curriculum Vitae
Cade Tompkins Projects
can be reached at:
phone: 401-751-4888
198 Hope Street, Providence, RI 02906
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