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BORCH Gallery & Editions

Alexander Tovborg: amor fati

Alexander Tovborg: amor fati

Alexander Tovborg

Alexander Tovborg’s 'amor fati' is a series of woodcuts and monotypes centred around the Roman Catholic saint and French national heroine Joan of Arc.

The latin expession 'amor fati' (engl. love of fate) was coined by Friedrich Nietzsche and describes a state of mind of unconditional acceptance of life’s circumstances. All events—good or bad—are concidered predetermined. For Tovborg, Joan of Arc exemplifies this state of mind. She is an individual who fully realizes her fate by living it out to the fullest. Her dramatic life story and later elevation to the status of a Catholic saint and national heroine turned her life into a universal narrative of fundamental human questions. Tovborg’s artistic practice draws from such questions through the investigation of religious narratives, myths, and symbols.

Tovborg’s unique visual universe unfolds in ornamental shapes and rich colour combinations. His woodcuts are executed from several different wooden plates, allowing him to build up motives with complex colour combinations in several layers. The works from his series of monotypes are all interrelated. Monotypes are unique works. Tovborg interconnected the individual works of his series by making the residue ink from one work part of the next.

Image Credit:

Alexander Tovborg, amor fati, 2018, detail

amor fati (d’Arc)

Alexander Tovborg


30 x 24 cm (image); 40,5 x 33,5 cm (paper)

Woodcut with hand colouring on Japanese Kozo Paper 50g

Published by BORCH Editions

Edition of 12

550 EUR excl. VAT

Alexander Tovborg

amor fati


79,5 x 59,5 cm (image); 97,5 x 76 cm (paper); 102 x 80 cm (framed)

Monotype on Hahnemühle Bütten 350g

Published by BORCH Editions

Unique, only available with frame

3.300 EUR excl. VAT

Alexander Tovborg carving a printing block for one of his woodcuts

Printing Alexander Tovborg's woodcuts

amor fati (d’Arc)

Alexander Tovborg


30 x 24 cm (image); 40,5 x 33,5 cm (paper)

Woodcut with hand colouring on Japanese Kozo Paper 50g

Published by BORCH Editions

Edition of 12

550 EUR excl. VAT

Alexander Tovborg

amor fati (d’Arc)


30 x 24 cm (image); 40,5 x 33,5 cm (paper)

Woodcut on Japanese Kozo Paper 50g

Published by BORCH Editions

Edition of 12

500 EUR excl. VAT

Colours of Alexander Tovborg's monotypes

amor fati

Alexander Tovborg


59,5 x 44,5 cm (image); 74 x 56,5 cm (paper); 79,5 x 62 cm (framed)

Monotype on Hahnemühle Bütten 350g

Published by BORCH Editions

Unique, only available with frame

2.100 EUR excl. VAT

Alexander Tovborg

amor fati


59,5 x 44,5 cm (image); 74 x 56,5 cm (paper); 79 x 61,5 cm (framed)

Monotype on Hahnemühle Bütten 350g

Published by BORCH Editions

Unique, only available with frame

2.100 EUR excl. VAT

Installation view of 'Alexander Tovborg: amor fati II' at BORCH Gallery, Berlin, 2019, photo: Hans Georg Gaul

amor fati (d’Arc)

Alexander Tovborg


30 x 24 cm (image); 40,5 x 33,5 cm (paper)

Woodcut on Japanese Kozo Paper 50g

Published by BORCH Editions

Edition of 12

500 EUR excl. VAT

Alexander Tovborg

amor fati (d’Arc)


Woodcut on Japanese Kozo Paper 50g

Published by BORCH Editions

Edition of 12

500 EUR excl. VAT

amor fati

Alexander Tovborg


79,5 x 59,5 cm (image); 97,5 x 76 cm (paper); 102,5 x 80 cm (framed)

Monotype on Hahnemühle Bütten 350g

Published by BORCH Editions

Unique, only available with frame

3.300 EUR excl. VAT

Alexander Tovborg

amor fati


30 x 24 cm (image); 40,5 x 33,5 cm (paper)

Woodcut with hand colouring on Japanese Kozo Paper 50g

Published by BORCH Editions

Edition of 12

550 EUR excl. VAT

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BORCH Gallery & Editions

BORCH Editions & Print Studio: Prags Boulevard 49, 2300 Copenhagen S // BORCH Gallery: Goethestr. 79, 10623 Berlin

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