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Pia Gallo LLC

Rome Now and Then II: Giuseppe Vasi

Rome Now and Then II: Giuseppe Vasi

Giuseppe Vasi (Corleone, Sicily 1710–1782 Rome, Italy)

From The Magnificenze di Roma Antica e Moderna.

The ironic epigram attributed to Picasso that, 'An artist must lie to tell the truth,' admirably captures Vasi's 'modus operandi' in creating his 'vedute' and effectively introduces his synthetic vision. Vasi's objective was to render places in Rome appealing to the eye but also intelligible to the mind, resulting in images that could inspire reflection or anticipation and illicit a response from the knowledgeable observer.

From p. 67 James Tice, Giuseppe Vasi’s Rome, Lasting Impressions from the Age of the Grand Tour, James T Tice and James G Harper. Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art, University of Oregon, Eugene. 2010.

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Giuseppe Vasi

"An artist must lie to tell the truth."

Pablo Picasso

Convento dei Padri Eremiti di S. Agostino 1. Fontana della Scrofa, 2. Torre gia Scappucci, 3. Chiesa, e Convitto di S. Antonio dei Portoghesi, 4. Palazzo Carafa. Plate 123 from Book VII, Convents and Monasteries from Delle Magnificenze di Roma Antica e Moderna...

Giuseppe Vasi (Corleone, Sicily 1710–1782 Rome, Italy)


215 x 330 mm



Giuseppe Vasi (Corleone, Sicily 1710–1782 Rome, Italy)

Chiesa e Monastero dello Spirito Santo, delle Canonichesse Lateranesi 1. Chiesa di S. Lorenzo ai Monti, 2. Palazzo Conti, 3. Chiesa di S. Eufemia, 4.Chiesa e parte del detto Monastero dello Spirito Santo. Plate 142 from Book VIII, Monasteries and Convents for Women from Delle Magnificenze di Roma Antica e Moderna...


215 x 330 mm



La Sapienza, University of Rome

Monastero, e Chiesa della SS, Annunziata delle Religiose Turchine 1. Detta Chiesa, e Monastero, 2. Parte laterale del Monastero delle religiose Filippine, 3. Parte posteriore della Basilica Liberiana di S. Maria Maggiore. Plate 157 from Book VIII, Monasteries and Convents for Women from Delle Magnificenze di Roma Antica e Moderna...

Giuseppe Vasi (Corleone, Sicily 1710–1782 Rome, Italy)


225 x 335 mm



Giuseppe Vasi (Corleone, Sicily 1710–1782 Rome, Italy)

Archiginnasio della Sapienza 1. Chiesa ed Ospedale di S. Giacomo de Spagnoli, 2. Palazzo Madama, oggi Tribunale del Governo di Roma, 3. Palazzo Carpegna. Plate 161 from Book IX, Schools, Hospices, and Hospitals from Delle Magnificenze di Roma Antica e Moderna...


225 x 340 mm



Piazza Nicosia - Palazzo Aragona Gonzaga

Collegio Clementino 1. Portone principale di detto Collegio, 2. Strada del Orso, 3. Chiesa di S. Lucia Tinta, 4. Palazzo Negroni. Plate 167 from Book IX, Schools, Hospices, and Hospitals from Delle Magnificenze di Roma Antica e Moderna...

Giuseppe Vasi (Corleone, Sicily 1710–1782 Rome, Italy)


225 x 340 mm



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Palazzo del Monte di Pietà

Collegio Ecclesiastico a Ponte Sisto... 1. Fianco del Ponte Sisto, 2. Chiesa o Cappella di S. Francesco, 3. Fontana dette di ponte Sisto, 4. Collegio sudetto, 5. Parte dell’Ospizio dei Pellegrini. Plate 177 (catalogued at 178) from Book IX, Schools, Hospices, and Hospitals from Delle Magnificenze di Roma Antica e Moderna...

Giuseppe Vasi (Corleone, Sicily 1710–1782 Rome, Italy)


225 x 340 mm



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Monte di Pieta, e banco pubblico 1. Chiesa dei SS. Terefia, e Gios. della Croce, 2. Convento dei PP. Teresiani Scalzi, gia palazzo, ove abbito’ Urbano VIII. mentre era Cardinale, 3. Calamento, ove era la Chiela di S. Martinello. Plate 180 from Book IX, Schools, Hospices, and Hospitals from Delle Magnificenze di Roma Antica e Moderna...

Giuseppe Vasi (Corleone, Sicily 1710–1782 Rome, Italy)


220 x 335 mm



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Giuseppe Vasi had an excellent eye for composition, a technical mastery of his medium and a keen understanding of architecture and urban space, …he also had a measure of the courtier’s abilities, …helpful in an age in which wealthy tastemaker–patrons set the agenda for the arts.

From p. 19 James G Harper, Giuseppe Vasi’s Rome, Lasting Impressions from the Age of the Grand Tour, James T Tice and James G Harper. Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art, University of Oregon, Eugene. 2010.

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